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Recent Stuff


Nā Hina – Maramataka

Here is this year's Maramataka release that I have put together with the help of the design and marketing team at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Tatai Whakapapa Matariki

Proud to be invited as a guest speaker to the Auckland City Council's celebration of Matariki this year at the Tatai Whakapapa Symposium at the Auckland Botanical Gardens

Nā Hina Maramataka 2023

Totally stoked to release Nā Hina, an exclusive maramataka calendar with the help of the marketing and design team at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Hue hand pollination

Hand Pollinating Hue

Here I discuss how to hand pollinate hue (bottle gourd) flowers using a fine paintbrush.

Certificate in Tikanga (Rongoā) Level 5

Here's your opportunity to take your current knowledge of rongoā to an advanced level by further developing your skills in the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa diploma programme.